The best gifts are reciprocal…. We can help each other out.
I will provide the highest quality ideas and information, and you help me spread the message.
Talking… Phoning… E-mailing… Texting… Blogging… Tweeting… you get the idea.
Make the Founders Proud!!
Here are some MEMENTOS, I have created some unique items that are tangible reminders of what our Association is all about. Please scroll down to see them… and thank you!!
Our current generations do not truly understand the gift they were given… They have squandered their power… in the form of domestic regulations and international agreements… so much so, that we have created a situation no better than that of a country with a dictator.
There is a solution… since all of these miss steps can be resolved peacefully… regulations rewritten or eliminated… treaties amended or dissolved… so that the United States can once again reflect the benevolence of it’s rightful owners, The People.
Hopefully This Website,
- Is helping you understand the uniqueness of the gift that you’ve inherited…
- Is getting you interested in learning about that unique gift…
- Is encouraging you to realize that you are capable of rising above the fear based tactics currently used to manipulate the power structure in this country today…
- Is encouraging you to create a sovereign citizen consensus that finally gains control and re-establishes sensibility and responsibility for us as a nation and our fellow world neighbors.
Sovereign Certificate
This 8.5″x 11″ replication is a visual reminder of what actually happened in 1783.
According to the rule of law among civilized nations, all independent and sovereign nations are formed by Decree and/or Treaty. This gives them a legal standing and visibility in the league of nations.
The Treaty of Paris, 1783, does that for the United States of America. The unique thing about this document is that it conveys all of the rights to the people of the country. That has never occurred anywhere else in the world, before or since that time.
This one point is the uniqueness of the United States, that the people actually, legally own the country.
It is OURS to do what we want with it…. cherish it… grow it…. give it away… whatever the people want.
Printed in color on parchment paper, this is suitable for framing.
Sovereign Hope Commemorative Coin
SH 1oz. .999fine copper round
This limited Edition coin depicts the Sovereign Hope logo on the obverse, and the Pledge of Allegiance on the reverse.
Struck from .999fine copper, this coin is a handy reminder of our most cherished right… ownership of our country.
Pocket Constitution Booklet
The Constitution of the United States, with Index, The Declaration of Independence and Important Dates: Pocket Edition
This Constitution was proofed word for word against the original Constitution housed in the Archives in Washington, D.C. It is identical in spelling, capitalization and punctuation. It is sized in accordance with one produced by President Thomas Jefferson and includes the Bill of Rights, Amendments 11 through 27, The Declaration of Independence and a complete index of the Constitution. 52 pages. 3-1/4 x 6-1/2 inches. Co-published with the National Center for Constitutional Studies, a nonprofit educational foundation dedicated to restoring Constitutional principles in the tradition of America’s Founding Fathers.
limited supply! Get yours today.
We have the Patriots Creed printed in the form of a bookmark.
It’s printed on high quality polished white card stock, doubled sided, and measures 2-1/4 inches by 7 inches.
Here is the actual text from the bookmark
I acknowledge my sovereign right, as outlined in the Treaty of Paris (1783) Article 1, as a citizen of my state and subsequently the united States of America and freely affirm an oath to uphold, maintain and defend my sovereign authority and those delegated by me to my state and federal constitutions.
I understand that the freedoms that are afforded me are un-a-lien-able rights bestowed from God, the creator; that these are living truths, which must be learned, guarded, practiced and taught to each generation, to prevent their demise.
I recognize that in order to promote and preserve our unique American society, we must freely bind ourselves first through individual state constitutions and a federal constitution.
I further recognize that the powers derived first by my state and then by the federal government are a limited and progressively subordinate and shared authority, bestowed on them – by me – in my capacity as the supreme authority – that of a sovereign citizen, and it is my honor and duty to vigilantly monitor both created bodies to prevent usurpation of my sovereign authority and rights.
If any action, past or present, is identified as usurping my sovereign citizen’s authority, I pledge to peacefully join my fellow citizens and to use my sovereign authority to right these usurpation’s and restore the proper order and balance delegated to these constitutions.
I solemnly take this oath, mindful of those who passed this gift down to us; who, when necessary, willingly shed their blood and even died to uphold these self-evident truths; and affirm to uphold, to the best of my ability, the noble traditions that are embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution which are the guiding documents of our united States of America.
Penned by the founder of Sovereign Hope to clearly define our gifts and responsibilities.
If this creed touches your heart and you want to learn move about our unique republic, its founders, their hopes and how to restore its simplicity and genius, then contact us.
The 5 Minute Citizen
We have a few remaining copies of this rare First Edition.
Published in 1992 by Publius Incorporated, this book highlights a streamlined approach to understanding and managing your portion of the citizen legislature process. It provides context to the process by highlighting the various branches and the relationships.
Reading it shows how out of control our Political party controlled government has become. One example is that in 1992 I was worried about a $4 Trillion dollar national debt!! That’s turned out to be a very sad and cruel joke on “we the people”… courtesy of our dis-representatives.
The Congressional tables a out of date… but the rest of the book provides valuable information.
If you have little or no knowledge of how our government should work, this is a valuable primer.
Please either contact me if you are interested in purchasing this book.
The Price is $15.00 which includes shipping.
Sovereign Hope HindSight Verified E-Book

It will bring the Founding Fathers to life, as you witness the struggles and the miracles that produced the Constitution of the United States and the freest nation on earth.
Filmed on location at Independence Hall; Williamsburg, Virginia; and other historical sites, this historically accurate film dramatically chronicles how America became a nation. It is exciting drama of the best kind… fact, rather than fiction.
A More Perfect Union comes as part of an education package and includes:
- The 2-hour movie A More Perfect Union and 5 additional teaching segments on 1 DVD.
- A Teacher’s Guide that provides background information and perspectives designed to help teachers with classroom discussions and other learning activities related to the production. Five lessons correspond with the 5 teaching segments on the DVD.
Another very strong and sound voice proclaiming accurate historical information is the National Center for Constitutional Studies. They have an array of Constitutionally accurate research material including books and DVD’s. You can go directly to their site to order.
I heartily recommend this stirring 2-hour film!!