The ultimate goal is to create a common understanding,
to intelligently reach consensus on the foundational aspects of
living and managing our lives in a civilized way.
IF Words matter… then how we define and use them is of utmost importance. In order to provide clarity to our discussions, we must have a common understanding of the words we use. Below is my contribution to creating a common terms collection of contrasting words that define our most basic interactions and communications. Hopefully, such contrast will help create clarity.
I have broken these down into two categories… General and Governmental. To my mind, it is essential to understand how we personally function before we try and understand how we socially function.
Hope vs Fear
This is the age old state of mind that drives us at our foundational core… mostly subconsciously. We humans are energetic beings that direct energy in one of two ways… either toward Hope/Advancement (as in learning and healing) or Fear/Protection. Unless a dire situation is occurring – in which case we default to Fear/Protection… we are prone to Hope/Advancement. The human brain is “wired” this way.
Human interaction has an effect on this process. A consequence of such experiences is interactive emotional patterning. The human brain is constantly processing scenarios and comparing filed ones with the one it’s currently encountering. Any “triggers” divert our attention and may cause a shift to Fear/Protection. Triggers can be anything tied to a past threatening situation, whether perceived or actual… this is critical to understand.
Why is this important? Because our current social situation is an increasing population density which translates into a vast increase of information. This increasing information further translates into a vast increase in experiential triggers -which again, can be either perceived or actual- which can trigger a constant state of low grade fear… not enough to paralyze or run… but just enough to keep the “fight or flight” response center engaged… which keeps the learning and healing response (Hope/Advancement) idle.
When in this energetic state, we are not building positive experiences or healing our body, which become the precursors to unbalance and dis-ease. Thankfully, conscious awareness can help us realize and change this pattern, which will dramatically change our outlook and state of health… choices… and consequences… Change Your View, Change Your Life… just like the logo says. (See Faith or Fear)
Inspiration vs Motivation
Understanding this difference will help identify our energetic sourcing… and is simply done by being aware of where you derive your energy…. From inside – Inspiration, or outside – Motivation. Inspiration is typically more reliable, with the caveat that it is not driven by your fight or flight responses. Inspiration can be ongoing… if we choose that, while motivation being external and environment specific, needs stimulation, which is generally not ongoing.
Internal vs External
An embellishment on the above. Understanding this is vital to understanding your autonomy and ability to function in harmony with your spiritual energy. Another way of identifying these traits is by looking at peoples’ actions… the adage “actions speaks louder than words” applies here… and it typically looks like Givers and Takers. Internally driven people get their energy from their soul/spirit… the ultimate or universal energy, what many religions refer to as the God energy. This energy is always clean and reliable, and is generally only available in learning or Hope/Advancement mode. Internally driven people look like Givers.
Conversely, externally driven people get their energy from others… the term ‘energy vampires’ comes to mind. Externally driven people look like Takers. Takers are agitators… they love conflict, because conflict creates unbalance… and unbalance creates a defensive response in you. Takers feed on that unbalance and defensive energetic shift… it’s a way of deriving a sense of control, and potential dominance over you.
This, however, is different from Givers and Receivers… that is the healthy version of this essential interactive relationship… because both are sourcing and responding from their internal or spiritual energy source.
Manage vs Control
Another subtle but important nuance of Inspiration vs Motivation. This nuance defines how we use our derived energy. Typically management flows from Inspiration (internal), and control from Motivation (external). There is no hard and fast rule about this, as these are basically emotionally stimulated actions or reactions… another way of distinguishing the root of the energy source. Humans portray energy through emotional responses… and what we are defining here is the force of that response.
To Manage ourselves denotes a more gentle approach, one emanating from our internal Spiritual energetic source. Conversely, to Control ourselves has a more overt and direct energetic tone… a more egoic sourced energy, which has externally motivated overtones. Generally, the Manage energy, being internally driven, is more wholly sourced and creates more lasting results. Conversely, the Control energy, being externally driven, is subject to emotion vacillation… which generally does not produce lasting results.
A general agreement about something : an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group.
1 a : general agreement : unanimity <the consensus of their opinion, based on reports …
b : the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned <the consensus was to go ahead>
2: group solidarity in sentiment and belief
Consensus is another version of management. Consensus building is much harder than control… which is the alternative. To build consensus an atmosphere of trust is required. Also a desire to find common ground and build on it is essential. Consensus building creates a sense of community and ownership.
Control is essentially intellectual force… bending people’s viewpoints to fit. Control causes alienation and animosity.
Generational Perspective
A generation is a class of people born in the same time proximity, and in recent history, is considered to be a 30 year time span. Each generation has unique experiences, as a group, and develop certain likes, dislikes and defining characteristics. There are currently three predominant generations… Babyboomers, Generation X, and Generation Y or Millennial’s. One of my primary perspectives is this generational lens. By looking at each of the 11 generations (Strauss & Howe) that have inhabited (are inhabiting) this country since 1787, we can gain a very different point of view… by seeing what happens to each group… and what is passed on. This right of passage is the experiential basis that molded them and ultimately molds us today.
Define Environment
Definition from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary…
The circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded.
The complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival.
The aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influence the life of an individual or community.
This definition shows that our environment is everything around us… past or present… real or imagined. Another way I describe that is… it is our Story. Our Story is a way to describe the accumulation of our experiences, both imagined and real. That Story is the basis of our intellectual processes and responses.
I take this a step further, and look at each generation’s story; the accumulation of what was most important and what was passed down to their progeny. By looking at America’s evolution this way, it becomes clear how and when major deviations and incursions occurred that caused damage to our republican form of government and structure that was originally formed… and ultimately, how it became unworkable, and how it devolved into this present unrecognizable and struggling bureaucratic quagmire.
What’s important to connect here, is The Story and the Environment… we are so immersed in the current story that it now looks like our environment… in other words; all encompassing, unchangeable… which is NOT true.
The Story and our Environment are separate… our Story can certainly help create our environment, or we can choose to create a different environment… it is our choice… constantly.
Defining Sovereign Rights
Sovereign Rights and how they apply to the united States of America
Definition from the Webster 1828 Dictionary…
SOVEREIGN, noun suv’eran.
1. A supreme lord or ruler; one who possesses the highest authority without control. Some earthly princes, kings and emperors are sovereigns in their dominions.
2. A supreme magistrate; a king.
3. A gold coin of England, value 20s or $4.44
This term is critical to understand, both in meaning and context.
The context as applied to US history begins with the Treaty of Paris 1783. That treaty clearly defines the legal status of the people of the United States of America as the owners of, and supreme authority of the country. From this position of supreme authority, the people first delegated some of their authority to State governments, then subordinate to that, delegated more general authority to a Federal government. The original intention of the Federal government was to promote security and a unified national visibility, provide for the common good, and insure peace among the several States. See Products Page and Treaty of Paris, 1783
Republic vs Democracy
A democracy is direct rule with the power invested in the group, with majority rights. A democracy is exclusive and eventually alienates a large portion of the society.
A republic is indirect rule, with the power invested in the individual and actualized through representatives, where the rights of everyone are considered through the process of consensus. A republic in inclusive and considers everyone’s point of view.
America’s Identity Crisis
America has had an identity crisis for several decades, due mostly to the unspoken desires of the political parties… they are in a quandary, and can’t really solve their problem. You see, they want you to believe that you live in a democracy, because that neatly divides up the country and keeps people at odds with each other; and since they cannot actually take away the founding documents, they have to go along with the republic stuff… all while giving the executive – whom the parties groom for the position – the ability to run the country essentially as a monarch. (see below).
It looks to me like America is a non-functioning Constitutional Republic… masquerading as a Democracy… while actually operating as an oligarchy. (Oligarchy Definition: A form of government in which the supreme power is placed in a few hands; a species of aristocracy.)
Republic as a Co-op
A Republic emulates a Co-op. A Co-op is a member owned organization, where members participate in various benefits, such as better selection, pricing, and if the Co-op is profitable the profits.
Imagine…. that you found out about a really great food Co-op, that would give you all of these benefits. You eagerly research it and join, excited that you found a way to save money and get really good quality food. After you join, you are told that you have to choose between two major groups or parties that essentially control the Co-op… the vegans and the carnivores… and they are very hostile to each other. You become confused…. you researched the Co-op and the by-laws… and they said nothing about these groups… and the last thing you want is to take sides in rival factions. But if you want to get the benefits of this Co-op, you have to choose a party… even though they are not in an official capacity of ownership or management of the Co-op. If you had any sense, you would find another Co-op… or start your own.
That analogy realistically describes the current version of the political party controlled United States… the only problem is that there is no other choice… and good luck creating another United States of America. And the good news is that you don’t have to… you just have to follow the founders advice and take it back from the political parties, who have no legal claim on the country.
Checks & Balances
In creating the federal management structure, the founders dealt with many criticisms during the Constitutional convention about power; how much… placed where. They were leery because of their current experience of King George’s iron handed ruling policies. The system they settled on, through consensus, divided the power between three completely separate branches, each with their own unique responsibilities…. and they warned about allowing changes that would encroach on another’s power. (See Washington’s Farewell Address)
Sadly their warnings were not heeded. Over several generations, a slow and steady rise in political party power and influence occurred. This was the driving force that created radical changes in our original constitutional structure and completely undid the founders intent and protections.
Federal vs National Government
By definition, the founders version of federal was an association of states acting in consort. They conceived a Congress made up of ‘We the People’s’ representatives (House of Representatives) and States representatives (Senate)… giving the people of various states with different populations the most representative voice in their affairs. Many acting as one…. bottom up.
National is when the power is consolidated in essentially one… top down. Because of the encroachment noted above (in Checks & Balances), through military war power and amendment, the entire landscape of the original government changed… so that today we essentially have a National Government with vast and over-reaching UN-Constitutional powers. (See Stop Calling It A Federal Government.)
Statesman vs Politician
“A statesman is a politician who places himself at the service of the nation.
A politician is a statesman who places the nation at his service.”
A quote from French Prime Minister Georges Pompidou
A close look at many of the currently entrenched national officeholders demonstrates this quote. Many are their to ‘curry favor’ and personally benefit and profit from their tenure. There is little service to ‘We the People” or our country… instead mostly service to themselves. Many leave their government positions very wealthy, accruing vast amounts of money and power during their tenures.
President vs Commander-in-Chief
This distinction only became important during the second Civil War (1861-1865) when President Lincoln, in an act of desperation, enhanced the breadth and scope of the existing practice of Executive Orders, thereby giving himself the ability to instantly create binding edicts… essentially becoming a monarch.
After the war, a legal means of maintaining the Executive Order was necessary, since the political parties saw this as the ultimate means to control the country. They designated the Commander-in-Chief title as their authority and ultimately ensconced it in Emergency Powers legislation. Their newly created position gave this Republic destroying device “legal” standing… essentially setting up an unconstitutional government, that by definition does not legally follow the original Constitutional authority.
Executive Orders are numerical, so each one written is cataloged. This numbering started with the new version. Commander-in-Chief Lincoln issued Executive Order #1 sending 175,000 troops to invade the South… Commander-in-Chief Trump is starting his Monarchy with Executive Order #13,765… ponder that for a moment… 13,765 executive orders since 1862. Executive Orders can be arbitrary, and they are always in direct defiance of the very Constitution that these elected officers swore an oath to uphold! (See Executive Orders)
Perhaps now, the light will come on as to why seemingly unconstitutional laws exist…
they are in another “legal” system… all courtesy of the two major political parties.
So…. what do you think of President Washington’s warnings about political parties now?