What if ‘We the People’ could trust again… I mean, really trust again…
What if our word was our bond again…
What if we could finalize deals with a handshake again…
What if we could leave our doors unlocked again…
What if we could leave the keys in our car ignitions again…
What if there were no metal detectors in our schools or workplaces…
What if our air was clean, our soil nourishing and our food nutritionally dense again…
What if we could go back 3 generations and have a do over…
What would we change?
Welcome to my world…
Where I explore and share ideas and observations on how -in the past 4-generations-
America has changed dramatically, and not for the better.
I want to explore not only what happened, but what it’s done to everyday people…
how each generation was impacted, and how they impacted the next…
until we all find ourselves living a nightmare…
where kids are killing kids.
The topics will reflect current day challenges and are couched under national and personal health categories –because one is inexorably linked to the other– and ultimately focus on how they affect US, the everyday people of America.
I particularly want to reach out to –and invite– Babyboomers, Gen-Xer’s, Millennials and Gen-Zer’s to be a part of this… because they essentially make up America now. I want all of you to be a part of, and share in, this voyage of discovery and healing… to hopefully find a way to trust and believe in yourselves and hopefully start to believe and trust in those of the other generations, because if we cannot find a way to connect, trust and heal, our grand Republic experiment of human collaboration will cease to exist.
Since I used the word Republic, I want to clarify that this is an educational, non-partisan site that focuses on how several generations of people, who inhabit the central part of the North American continent came together, interacted and arrived at this time and place in history.
This is not a partisan site. Actually it is the farthest thing from a partisan site… as it follows the ideas and governmental structure championed by several prominent founders who advocated for The Peoples’ involvement without the additional layering of partisan political organizations.
The only identifier on this website —and in my vocabulary— is that I identify as being a Constitutionalist… my allegiance and focus is only to it. As a military combat veteran who took a solemn oath to defend it… it is still my only allegiance.
We truly are at a critical juncture in human and American history.
What If…
…we quiet and ground ourselves?
…and follow that still small voice within each one of us?
…and recognize and respect the gifts of our nourishing earth?
..and return to the rich traditions that are the natural intergenerational ways of life?
What would OUR world look like?… and more importantly what would YOU feel like?
The recent millennium ushered us into the age of Aquarius… a new, mythical 2200 year age of spiritual enlightenment, one where the Millennials and GenZer’s will play a major part in feeling and guiding the Gen-xer’s and Babyboomers into.
It can be a time of rejuvenation… it can be a time when we say…
“we all can be the children of hope… and today can be a brighter day.”
Are you curious enough… & interested enough to explore this with me?
If so, I welcome you to our Spiritually grounded, energetic gathering.