AT THE BRINK…February 2025
America’s Worldwide Role
Today, I want to discuss America’s role as the world leader… how we got here and why it matters. Many within the current generations of people in this country today —especially those in leadership positions— are espousing isolationist viewpoints… which flies in the face of important historical events.
Additionally, egoically-dominated leadership choices are creating an exponentially critical situation for our country and by extension… for the rest of the world.
Sadly, a majority of the younger generations of Americans are unaware of our unique position and responsibility… or its importance in world politics and societal balance… so I will highlight it here to hopefully create a perspective where rational thought and responsible choices can germinate.
Our united States are the current, de-facto, world leader because of circumstances forced on past generation’s leadership during the early 1940’s. This occurred because unrest that carried over from WWI erupted into armed conflict in Europe, in 1939. The united States leadership did not respond to that conflict until our country was attacked in 1941.
Then, both leadership and citizens alike created a unified team whose focus was to defend and conquer those who declared war… who opposed those ideals and values highlighted in our founding documents.
Those generations of Americans sacrificed their way of life… living in virtual poverty and deprivation… devoting all their resources and energy to not only producing the machinery to repel those assaults, but also many within the younger generations personally committed to participate in the dire global effort as well.
Within a space of 4 grueling years, American leadership and citizens produced the machinery, armament, as well as supplied manpower necessary to both assist our allies, and forge our own victories… turning the tide of battle and defeating those who declared war on our united States. As the recent movie Oppenheimer highlighted… a critical and decisive part of this machinery created another world dilemma, and ushered in mankind’s most daunting challenge… our ability to now make our planet uninhabitable through nuclear destruction.
The direct toll on the US was more than 330,000 American soldiers killed… with many more permanently injured or maimed. The only salvation for our country was that it was not directly impacted by the ravages and destruction that the rest of the world suffered.
After treaties were signed, the US leadership and citizens directed resources —both technology and money— to help rebuild those parts of the world that suffered the destruction of war. We developed new technologies and processes that provided the necessary know-how for the mammoth rebuilding efforts, and thus, the US became a dominant and driving leadership force in world progress and finance.
Incidentally, the evolution of the “petro-dollar” is the direct result of US development and participation of the mid-east oil fields. This would not have been possible without American technology, resources, manpower and funding. Our involvement —in Europe, the middle-east, and Asia— made us the de-facto world leader.
Effectively, the US replaced England in its position of “Empire”…
without the territorial trappings.
Instead the US created alliances that benefited our participation and those other country’s new infrastructure. In short, those generations of Americans earned our current position as a world leader through the investment of precious lives, technical knowledge, time and resources. We secured our place as a country that valued both independence and partnership… not meddling, yet having their backs.
And those past generations of American leadership took their responsibilities seriously… understanding that even though they had suppressed those ideologies who meant to subvert and control populations for ulterior purposes… our leadership understood they were not extinguished, and required vigilance to keep them contained.
And thus… mankind’s struggle for balance between
freedom and control recorded another chapter in human history.
Sadly, because of exponential advancements in technologies… our current world populations are again being thrust into an unprecedented position that no other generations have faced in human history.
A combination of exponential human population growth —now over 8 billion souls— combined with many culturally paralyzing technological advancements has put our world population and its leadership in another critical situation… one that will determine mankind’s very existence on our planet very quickly.
Biologically –
- Interestingly, our collective human condition perfectly mirrors our personal human condition… as reflected in our physiology.
- Humans, as well as all living organisms on our planet… are a marvelous balance of complex biological functions… dynamically functioning with the overall goal of survival and sustainability.
- Living organisms achieve these through their ability to adapt.
- Adaption is a normal and necessary function of our human body… as evidenced by the built-in receptor ports within our bodies to accommodate this adaptive messaging function.
- Genetic evolution is the long-term view of the orderly process of adaptability… and when sufficient biological (nutritional) capabilities are present, the action and result are seemingly effortless and exponential.
- When we rush, force, or inhibit, this natural process, we interrupt the delicate balance required for it to happen in a natural and sustainable way.
- We may cause a result, but without the underlying and required myriad of unseen biological contributions… they will predictably fail.
- A critical thing to understand is that even though all living entities seek balance and sustainability… there are forces that exist that can both assist and inhibit that process.
- This understanding… applied on a macro level defines our domestic and world generational advancement as well.
Intellectually –
- Intellectually, our primary purpose and function is survival.
- Generational, experiential history has constantly caused our definition of survival to also evolve… spanning from fire and the wheel… to our current definitions… which far surpass actual necessities.
- As our intellectual knowledge base grows… so does our capacity to make our existence better or worse.
- The intellect —on its own— is dominated by fear induced survival processes… its focus is short sighted… concerned primarily with the near term.
Emotionally –
- Human emotions are the “color” that enhances our survival existence and contrasts it from the “black & white” of survival.
- We can survive primarily on intellectual responses… but, emotions add the vibrancy and stark contrast that makes our experiential life more fulfilling and memorable… and provide the fuel and incentive for progress and enhancement.
Spiritually –
- Spirituality is the wild card that truly allows us to achieve and maintain forward progress and overall energetic balance.
- Accepting the “God-energy” into our cognitive processes allows us to achieve experiences far beyond survival.
- This spiritual energy is currently the missing ingredient… without it, we cannot achieve a balanced state of mind that allows trust, compassion, empathy and love to help form and carry out our daily choices.
CONSEQUENTLY… without that critical, spiritual, energy balance, humanity is doomed to a sub-par existence highlighted by suspicion, mistrust, and conflict… essentially inhibiting human cooperation and advancement.
Our original colonies formed and identified as a Christian nation, primarily because of the narrow cultural immigration events. While there were varying sects that immigrated to various parts of the country, they were all Christian based. These Christian traditions were maintained throughout our early immigration expansions as most immigrants came from Christian countries in Europe.
A notable and conflicting religiously-sanctioned
event was the importation and use of African slaves…
which started exclusively in the southern colonies, in the 1620’s.
This religious pattern started to change when the complete land mass came under a single jurisdiction. The western expansion of the 1850’s coupled with western coastal development resulted in Asian immigration, which —for the first time— introduced another slave-based population base with alternative religious views.
Fast forward another 100 years to the advent of mass transit —both sea and air— which when coupled with the worldwide industrial boom, and ongoing political strife, dramatically increased population mobility… and since the united States were a relatively uninhabited land mass with a clearly defined and tolerant Constitutional process… attracted a large volume of culturally and religiously diverse immigrants.
America’s current problems stem from past generational leadership failures to adapt and promote religious tolerance through spiritual inclusion. If those generation’s leadership understood the foundational truth that all religious practice was spiritually based… and created a path for inclusion… then peaceful assimilation could have been achieved… but that would have taken the fruits of the Spirit… trust, compassion, empathy and love… which, sadly were not common traits in many religious practices.
The slavery issue clearly points out the contradictions between religious and spiritual practices. The early colonists intellectually/religiously rationalized their slave ownership, even though it contradicted their spiritual understanding and beliefs. This is glaringly evident in the Declaration of Independence backstory.
Sadly, today… Leadership —both secular and religious— operates from the ingrained control premise of fear… since fear is much easier to manifest… as it is the primary intellectual trigger mechanism. Rather than leading Godly lives that would invite leadership by example… many of today’s leaders resort to using fear and intimidation to exert control over their followers. (See Authoritative Abuse article)
I define Religion as intellectualized Spirituality.
Religious practice is the human process of taking a beautiful Spiritual energy… and running it through the intellectual and emotional labyrinth that is our dominant minds eye… which invariably taints it with our experiential fears and patterns… and ends up creating the many convoluted and contradictory forms that are exhibited today… which is exactly the opposite of what should happen. Ideally (spiritually), we would find relief and comfort in our Spiritual assistance, and have it lead our thoughts and actions… creating more harmonious outcomes and a more inclusive and cohesive society.
Here is where the founder’s vision and foresight shines. Their writings indicate that they understood the difference between religion and Spirituality… enough to pen those ideals into their writings and documents… even when they couldn’t summon the political will to apply them.
This is why our God-centered Constitutional framework stands head and shoulders above all other world governments, which center and focus on either a specific ruler’s viewpoint –a monarchy– or a limited group of powerful people’s viewpoint –an oligarchy– sadly, neither of which has their peoples highest and best interest as their primary and continuous goal.
The simplest way to describe the essence of our united States
is that they embody the peoples’ collective “best self” of mind/spirit…
as evidenced in our founding documents.
A majority of current generations of Americans –beginning with Babyboomers’– have abandoned traditional spiritually balanced lifestyles in favor of an intellectually driven existence that focuses solely on “self” and material gratification.
This group of Babyboomers unknowingly –through their abandonment of traditional religious practices– dramatically curtailed their ability to evolve spiritually… which led a majority of successive generations astray as well.
This energetic lapse has created an unbalanced “sense of being” that has devolved into a survival oriented mindset and lifestyle that highlights independence over community… “stuff” over people… exclusion over inclusion.
Our country —and the world— is at the brink of yet another destructive event… all predicated on divisive, fear-laden, leadership… that ignores the singular uniqueness that is the United States of America… our clearly-defined Constitutional Republic… a citizen-owned, Spiritually-guided, trust-laden form of self-government.
America’s sovereign citizen-owners have developed an unhealthy relationship with their elected officials… much like the Stockholm Syndrome phenomena illustrates. Many distrust these elected leaders… even fear them… when they have no reason to… since these elected officials (should) work for them. Outwardly, they participate in political party practices… but many have little loyalty and switch back and forth readily… demonstrating a decided lack of loyalty.
Our country still has the only citizen owned form of a Constitutional Republic on earth… and it still can be the world dominant force for human rights and values… BUT only if the current generations of citizens recover from the Stockholm syndrome trance that grips our country today… and elects leaders that reflect their core values and beliefs… i.e. elect Statesmen rather than politicians.
America’s citizen-owners have been lulled into a destructive relationship with the 2-Party Collaborative Alliance (2-PCA) that has paralyzed them into a seemingly catatonic state of fear and cooperation… giving those in party leadership complete control to gut and plunder our people and country of its emotional energy, ideals and values.
Current polls showing a government disapproval rating of over 70% are a clear indicator to me of the people’s feelings… yet because of the effects of the Stockholm syndrome’s trance of dysfunctional party loyalty, many mis-identify this as a problem with government… while I see this as a clear indication of the political party usurpation and overt control over our constitutionally-authorized, citizen controlled process.
This is NOT a problem with the government… the government is just a process… the problem is with the people managing the government… that is the 2-Party Collaborative Alliance. They need to be removed from any position of authority because of the generations long abuses and constitutional violations they have inflicted on our American population.
All American citizens must become aware of the destructive nature and pattern that currently pervades a majority of all 4 of the current generations that make up our country… they must wake up to regain control over their birthright ownership… to re-establish their individual control and ownership… and re-establish the balance so necessary for a future of safety, harmony, and well-being.
Please understand… the oligarchs are at the door… they have created an inviting —yet destructive— set of distractions to take your eye off of the prize… so they can tcontrol over the most powerful and influential government process on our earth…
In order for them to do that… they have to finalize their control —through their political party operatives— and get you to essentially abandon your responsibility as an owner… and trade it for these egoically stimulating intellectual advancements… which, incidentally, have no value without an emotionally secure place to live.
REMEMBER… it’s all about diligence, effort and balance… if you devote time, attention, and effort… you get a sustainable, limited government that works for you.
The oligarchs have put in the time and money to take all of this away from you… and they’re starting their final assault… will the deep division and fear cause you to wake up in time… or stay paralyzed?
The next few months will tell the tale.
Yes… I mean that.
Literally, within the next few months, changes will occur that can alter both our united States and our leadership position on the world stage… something that a majority of our current 2-PCA leadership is so eager to abandon.
The world is watching… to see how American citizens will react to the fear-driven onslaught of unconstitutional Executive Orders being heaped on our beleaguered and paralyzed legislative processes.
IF it becomes clear… that “We the People” concur with our current fear-based leadership’s assessment to withdraw from our role as “the senior adult in the room”… then a chain of events will be set in motion that range from permanently altering the balance of world power —and not in a good way— to unleashing destructive forces that could alter humanity’s future and survivability on earth…
Yes… it is that serious.
It is now time for America’s citizen-owners to listen to their internal, spiritual guidance… to identify compassionate, sustainable paths to not only maintain a responsible balance in our country… but also advance responsible, sustainable leadership that unites rather than divides the world’s disorganized, fear-laden populations.